Flexible Loading Pattern Approach in Overkill Steam Sterilization Based on the Physical Properties of Steam and Thermodynamics of Sterilization
ABSTRACT: Because overkill steam sterilization processes in autoclaves are considered critical, they are highly scrutinized, and the use of autoclaves in fixed loading patterns is a common approach to the interpretation of regulatory requirements. Many such regulations are attributed to tradition and a buildup of restrictions that aim to improve the levels of assurance of the process and minimize risk. However, these measures complicate the operation and qualification of autoclaves, becoming cumbersome, time-consuming, and costly. In actuality, overkill sterilization is one of several processes in the pharmaceutical industry that provides the highest levels of sterility assurance. This method provides a minimum reduction of highly durable spore populations of 12 logs, achieving a probability of a nonsterile unit (PNSU) of 10-6. The physical properties of steam and the thermodynamics of steam sterilization constitute a predictable and repeatable process that can be monitored and verified. The high assurance level of overkill sterilization, combined with the properties of steam, actualizes a high safety margin that encompasses nearly every load type and load configuration when the cycle is performed under certain basic rules. The aim of this article is to present data that advocate and favor an approach that allows greater freedom and variability in arranging items in an autoclave when running overkill cycles, without the need to qualify each configuration.
On the Safe Side of Safe Side
Overkill Cycles 过度杀灭周期
Steam sterilization is one of the most common and important practices in parenteral manufacturing, bound by many rules and regulations. In a routine inspection, the validation, maintenance, and operation of an autoclave are usually examined thoroughly. Without downgrading the criticality of steam sterilization, many requirements are derived from the definition of “critical”, even when there is no scientific basis for the requirements. In other cases, the requirements are extended far beyond what is really needed to be “on the safe side”.
The rationale of the overkill cycle was that it would allow more flexibility in sterilization, due to the high safety margins that it provides to compensate for potential variation in this process. The premise of overkill cycles is that the bioburden population and its resistance can be ignored, because they are irrelevant to the outcome. This genuine benefit is eliminated, because in actuality, overkill sterilization cycles are restricted by additional regulatory requirements and “expectations” to inflate the safety margin. The requirement for fixed loading patterns is one of the most burdensome of these principles.
Requirements of Fixed Loading Patterns
In a fixed loading pattern, the items that are to be sterilized are arranged according to a scheme or depiction that shows their exact number, size, position, and orientation in the chamber. This arrangement is validated, and if all the acceptance criteria are met, the load is approved for production. If a new item is added to a validated load, the load is considered to be new, and the validation must be repeated. The same process applies to items that have been validated in other loads and, due to changing production requirements,must now be sterilized with other items in a different load
The roots of this method date back to the 1970s, when many practices that were related to large-volume parenteral (LVP) sterilization were universally adopted by the small-volume parenteral (SVP) industry, regardless of their use in a different setting (5). At that time, when gravity displacement autoclaves were used in many facilities, this principle was justified. Since then, autoclave design has evolved considerably, with the advent of vacuum and steam pulses to remove air from porous loads and greater control over temperature and pressure in the chamber. In contrast, validation practices have remained almost unchanged.
In certain firms, only exact, validated loads are allowed to be run—if for example, just 1 of the 20 items that are validated in the full load is needed, the entire load must be prepared (i.e., washed, bagged, and arranged) and sterilized. To this end, some firms use maximal and minimal load cycles (Max-Min approach), which provides more flexibility. But, when a new item isrequired or validated loads must be combined, the new load needs to be validated again before use
The requirement for fixed loading patterns is triggered by the belief that there is an interaction between items, that one item can influence or interact with an adjacent item, and that the item per se might not be sterilized in a different area in the autoclave—that is, that items can “steal” steam from other items, creating a cold spot or restricting steam flow to other items. For example,heavy items could be believed to be “steam-consuming” items that reduce the supply of steam to other items. This suspicion then leads to the requirement that many loading patterns be validated and maintained through revalidation activities.
The standard validation procedure that is used by certain firms is to run three distribution cycles and three penetration cycles for each new load, rendering the workload and downtime of the facility to be significant and costly. Reducing nonvalue-added validation activities can create significant savings for facilities, with no adverse impact on patient safety.
This article will attempt to challenge this difficult question with data and convincing arguments, suggesting an approach that allows greater freedom and variability in arranging items in an autoclave when running overkill cycles, without the need to qualify each configuration or any adverse impact on patient safety or the required sterility assurance levels.
Physical Properties of Pure Saturated Steam and the Thermodynamics of Sterilization
Steam sterilization relies on the physical properties of pure saturated steam and the thermodynamics of the sterilization process. Any claim that relates to the ability of steam to sterilize should be evaluated in light of its properties, as described following.
1. Steam releases a large amount of energy relative to its weight when it condenses. A small amount of steam can heat a large load, as well as the metal structure of the autoclave. As it condenses, 1 kg of saturated steam releases 2200 kJ, which, when condensed, can heat over 40 kg of stainless steel (SS) from 20˚C to 121˚C ; thus, heating “heavy” metal items does not require large amounts of steam.
1.蒸汽在凝结时相对于其重量释放出大量的能量。少量的蒸汽就能加热大量的负载,包括灭菌器的金属结构。当1公斤的饱和蒸汽凝结时,它释放出2200千焦的能量,这足以将40公斤以上的不锈钢从20 ˚C加热到121 ˚C;因此,加热“重”金属物品并不需要大量的蒸汽。
2. When saturated steam is condensed, its volume decreases significantly (1 L of saturated steam turns into approximately 1.2 mL of condensate) .
Whenever condensation occurs (when steam makes contact with cold areas and condenses), the reduction in volume will bring more steam to cold sections due to the decrease in pressure until the item reaches the same temperature as the steam and no further heating is needed.
3. There is a 1:1 correlation between saturated steam pressure and its temperature in an enclosed space with constant volume. After the pressure stabilizes, temperatures in the chamber become steady and will be maintained throughout the chamber as a result of the stabilization of pressure.
4. Steam that is under pressure in an enclosed space does not flow like air; thus, there are no steam flow patterns in the autoclave. Items do not obstruct steam or prevent it from entering other objects. Providing a load does not block the passage of steam completely—steam will reach all items. As indicated in Point 2, whenever condensation arises, the steam that is nearest to the condensation point will move toward it. These movements occur on a molecular level and are thus rapid; consequently, steam molecules are not influenced by the other items. Combining this inherent property of steam with the property in Point 3 ensures that wherever items are positioned in the chamber, each element will be subjected to the same sterilization conditions. The only interaction that might occur between items is the condensate, which can drip from heavy nonporous items onto lower items; this situation can be resolved easily by placing the former on the lower shelf of the autoclave.
5. Heat can be transferred between objects only when there is a difference in temperature. Once the items in the autoclave attain the temperature of the steam, no more energy is transferred to the item, and further condensation stops—an equilibrium is reached. Additional small quantities of steam enter the autoclave only to compensate for the heat loss to the doors and chamber walls (even when the jacket is heated, because the temperature of the jacket is lower than that of the chamber).
6. After an equilibrium is reached (after the heating phase and at the outset of the sterilization phase), pressure across the chamber will be equal, according to Pascal’s law.
7. Steam and air (primarily nitrogen and oxygen) are small molecules (>1 nm); thus, air removal and steam penetration can also be achieved through narrow channels or gaps. Large quantities of steam require wider passageways, but even with small gaps, steam will eventually penetrate all parts of an object.
With regard to load, other physical properties are involved in steam sterilization. Table I lists the load properties of items and their effects on sterilization. Combining these properties simplifies the decision over which items are easy or more challenging to sterilize. Table II lists examples of common items. Note that the table merely compares items and does not definitively state whether an item is challenging for an overkill cycle.
1. Steam can heat a heavy load at low quantities due to high latent heat of condensation (Point 1). Fresh steam will fill the low-pressure zones that are created due to condensation (Point 2), supplying more energy. Heavy loads might elongate the heating phase, but this extra time is not included in the sterilization phase time. Eventually, after the load reaches the sterilization temperature, there is no difference between heavy and light loads, because there is no further transfer of energy to the load (Point 5). Mass should not be the chief parameter for selecting challenging items. The results of the tests in Pavell and Hughes (9) also showed that the more challenging items were the filter and the cleaning hose with a valve on one end, neither of which was among the heaviest items.
2. One of the most common myths that concern steam sterilization is that the high lethality of steam is attributed to the high energy transfer to the sterilized object during condensation (13): “Direct steam contact with the surface of the object to be sterilized is required for the steam to transfer its stored energy to the object.” Direct contact is definitely required, because the moisture in the steam must make contact with the item, but the last section of this statement becomes irrelevant when the setpoint temperature has been attained by all load items. As indicated in Point 5, energy transfer occurs only during the heating phase; throughout the sterilization phase, there is no energy transfer, and microorganisms are eradicated by maintaining the temperature and water molecules contact for the required time
2.关于蒸汽灭菌的一个常见误解是,蒸汽的高致命性归因于在凝结过程中对被灭菌物体的高能量传递:“蒸汽必须与被灭菌物体的表面直接接触,才能将其储存的能量传递给物体。” 直接接触绝对是必需的,因为蒸汽中的水分必须与物品接触,但当所有负载项目达到设定温度时,这一说法的后半部分就变得无关紧要了。能量传递仅在加热阶段发生;
3. From Points 2, 4, 6, and 7, I conclude that there is no impact of the location of items in the autoclave with regard to achieving the same extent of sterilization. The only parameter that requires attention relates to the prevention of condensate dripping. This conclusion was also the outcome of Pavell and Hughes (9)
Air Removal and Steam Penetration
Steam sterilization is based on the use of pure steam. When air or other noncondensable gases (NCGs) are present, they will affect the sterilization on several levels
1. Steam will follow the physical properties described above only when it is pure. When it is impure, the outcome is not predicted as easily.
2. Effective steam sterilization is predicated on the steam being in contact with the item. NCGs create isolation and can limit the destructive effectiveness
of steam.
3. Steam lethality is attributed to the presence of water molecules. NCGs reduce steam lethality because they do not include water molecules.
Steam purity is influenced by how steam is produced and transferred and by efficient air removal from the chamber and load. Assuming that steam is tested on a regular basis for low levels of NCGs2, proper air removal should be ensured before starting the sterilization phase. In most cases, air removal is more important than additional sterilization time and increased temperature. The PNSU calculations in the first section are valid only with efficient air removal so that the full lethality of steam is applied.
Air removal and steam penetration are complementary, because the same channel that allows air to be removed from internal voids allows steam to enter these voids.
The level at which air is not considered to be harmful depends on the load. Small air bubbles that are dissolved in steam are not a problem, but their accumulation in closed packs or pockets can become an issue(16).
Effective air removal and steam penetration are achieved by the repeated evacuation and entrance of steam into the voids. Collectively, this process entails dilution of the air in steam and subsequent extrusion of the mixture. The efficacy of the process is dictated by two factors:
1.Values of pressure for the vacuum and steam pulses
2. Pulse time. Slow pulses are more effective in removing air from challenging items, such as long lumens, porous loads, and packed items, because physical restrictions slow the evacuation and steam penetration. This property is the chief reason that a minimal load is required in an overkill cycle. In minimal loads, the evacuation time and steam pulse are shorter, impeding the air removal from and steam penetration of challenging items. In certain autoclaves, pulses duration can be set and be equal, regardless of load size, but in many autoclaves, this option does not exist. In such cases, this issue can be overcome through redundancy by adding more pulses or increasing the difference between the vacuum and steam pressures, rendering even shorter pulses sufficiently effective.
In an overkill cycle, air removal is the main parameter when determining whether an item is simple or difficult to sterilize. When air removal is conducted properly, steam will penetrate all voids, eliminating “hard-tosterilize or challenging items.” Item Preparation, Wrapping, and Orientation Preparation, wrapping, and orientation are significant factors in the success of the sterilization cycle, because they impact air removal, steam penetration, and condensate removal (8). An item that is validated after being prepared, wrapped, and oriented in the chamber according to specific instructions should always be sterilized in the manner that it was validated. For example, a tube coiling of a specific length should be inserted into a double bag and placed flat on the autoclave shelf. A validated item includes its preparation, wrapping, and orientation.
在过度杀菌周期中,空气去除是决定物品是简单还是难以灭菌的主要参数。当空气去除进行得当,蒸汽将渗透到所有空隙中,消除了“难以灭菌或具有挑战性的物品”。物品的准备、包装和方向 准备、包装和方向是灭菌周期成功的重要因素,因为它们影响空气的去除、蒸汽的渗透和凝结水的排出。根据特定说明在腔室中准备好、包装好并定位好的物品应该始终按照其经过验证的方式进行灭菌。例如,特定长度的管圈应插入双层袋中,并平放在灭菌器架上。经过验证的物品包括其准备、包装和方向。
Data Collection and Interpretation Data were collected from actual validation runs that were performed at a specific facility from 2017 to 2019, as presented in Table III. The data are used to assess differences between maximal and minimal load results.
The maximal load is prepared by collecting the more challenging items (items with a minimal F0 value) from all validated loadings.
The minimal load usually includes one item that is found to be more challenging during the run of the maximal load
Data were collected from 数据收集自:
6 autoclaves, varying in size and age
4 types of loads—garments, gloves, tools, and rubber stoppers
4 types of air removal processes
Cycles from 2017, 2018, and 2019
There are several insights from the data collection
1. Minimal load F0 values were within the values that were obtained in the maximal load (the highest and lowest F0 values were found in the maximal load cycles) (Figure 4). These data indicate that faster air removal and faster heating, which characterize the minimal cycle, do not necessarily provide the lowest lethality values.
2. In certain cases, the differences in F0 values between the hottest and coldest points in a specific cycle might appear to be significant, but when CT values are considered, the differences are small .
3. Because the thermocouples that are used for the PQ study are calibrated to ±0.5˚C, some differences can be related to calibration tolerances; when this factor is considered, the results indicate excellent temperature uniformity inside all of the loads.
4. The correlation was low (0.26) between the equilibration time and correlated temperature differences. It would be expected that a short equilibration time indicates faster heating of the items, thus reducing temperature differences, but the low correlation does not support this relationship. Pavell and Hughes (9) also observed this finding. It would be interesting to understand the reason, scientifically. Practically speaking, the lack of correlation has no effect on the overall conclusions that are related to the overkill cycle
The results of the data collection and analysis show clearly that the differences in lethality between loads and between items in the load are small. The large differences in the mass or density of arrangement of the items between the maximal and minimal loads did not have any effect or direction that was related to the lethality that was gained by the items.
When evaluating the results for an overkill cycle, the differences are negligible. No item can be considered “hard to sterilize” or “challenging”, because all items achieved lethality values far beyond the initial requirements of the overkill cycle (F0 ≥ 15 min, which also covers the EU requirements) and the sterility assurance level that was required.
在评估过度杀菌周期的结果时,差异是可以忽略不计的。没有任何物品可以被视为“难以灭菌”或“具有挑战性”,因为所有物品的致命性值都远远超过了过度杀菌周期的初始要求(F0 ≥ 15分钟,这也符合欧盟的要求)以及所需的无菌保证水平。
Overkill cycles, as currently used in industry, are excessive, attaching overly conservative safeguards to safeguards. The approach of allowing flexible loads for validated items, if implemented with the principles following, will result in safe and effective sterilization cycles at far lower cost to industry and the environment.
The overkill cycle provides safe and robust sterilization for any load configuration if certain simple and basic principles are always followed:
1. The cycle should be an extended overkill cycle. To allow load flexibility, more robust overkill cycles, with a calculated F0 value >25 minutes, are recommended to ensure the destruction of Geobacillus stearothermophilus BIs.
1.周期应为扩展的过度杀菌周期:为允许装载灵活性,推荐使用计算出的F0值大于25分钟的更强大的过度杀菌周期,以确保能够破坏嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌(Geobacillus stearothermophilus)生物指示剂(BIs)
2. A validated item is one that has been validated by three penetration cycles (using thermocouples and BIs that are inserted into adjacent locations inside of the item) in any loading pattern. The term “item” includes the specific wrapping that is used when validated.
3. The item must be placed in the same orientation in which it was validated and in a manner that will not block air or steam passage to other items.
4. Due to greater condensation from heavy metal items, they should be placed on the lower shelves to avoid dripping onto another item
5. The air removal stage should be designed to provide redundancy, such that even with fast pulses, it will be efficient. (If the autoclave is capable of controlling the timing of the pulses to be equal for maximal and minimal loads, the minimal load cycle validation is no longer relevant, and it could be skipped or be performed only once to ease regulatory questions [19]).
6. Revised or new loads are created under a change control procedure or a detailed SOP that includes full documentation and pictures of the revised or new load
The overall conclusion can be summarized as follows
If the preceding principles are followed, an item that has been validated in a specific overkill cycle will be effectively sterilized in any other load configuration using the same sterilization cycle parameters (including the air removal phase parameters), wrapping, and orientation. No additional validation is required to ensure that the combination of such items will be sterilized properly.
Consequently, several options are created when applying the preceding principles, such as the following:
1. A new item can be tested alone, running 3 penetration cycles, after which it can be multiply or combined with any other validated item.
2. A combination of any validated item in any number is allowed
The two options are demonstrated in Figure 6. Allowing facilities to use the preceding approach will provide flexibility in their operation and can significantly reduce the validation workload without any adverse impact on patient safety
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