Steven Bell:数据完整性与连续监测系统的验证

作者:本网编辑 文章来源:PHT《制药业》 发布时间:2017-06-08
Steven Bell,芬兰维萨拉公司产品经理...

Steven Bell,芬兰维萨拉公司产品经理

Steven Bell,芬兰维萨拉公司,产品经理

维萨拉公司是具有80年历史的环境与工业测量的全球领导者。Steven 服务维萨拉公司有15年,任职多个岗位,熟悉产品和应用。 从公司的IT经理到服务经理到现在的产品专家 负责创建维萨拉的验证产品和服务。 他目前负责全球环境监测解决方案和法规监管行业的服务。



Steven Bell,Vaisala,Product Manager

Steven Bell is a Product Manager at Vaisala, a company that has been focused on environmental measurement for over 80 years. Steven has been with Vaisala for 15 years and enjoyed many roles within the organization from IT Manager to Services Manager to Regulatory Expert responsible for creating Vaisala’s validation products and services. He is currently responsible globally for the development of environmental monitoring solutions and services for regulated industries.

Steven is particularly interested in the way that measurements can be converted into actionable information that can increase process efficiency and product safety.

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