现任赛进(中国)制药有限公司研发副总裁,赛进制药研发中心总经理,毕业于伊利诺伊大学, 获得制药博士学位,曾任职于欧美多家知名国际制药公司,在注射剂产品开发与产品技术转移方面拥有近20年的专业经验。
Dr. Shane TIAN is currently Vice President and General Manager of R&D Center for Sagent China PharmaceuticalsLtd (SCP) in Chengdu, China. He obtained his Ph.D. in pharmacy from the University ofIllinois in Chicago (UIC) and has over 20 years of experiences in drug product developmentand technology transfers, particularly with sterile injectables. Prior to SCP, He worked forseveral pharmaceutical companies in the US, including APP, Purdue Pharma, Eyetech andSanofi. He is also a member of the Parenteral Drug Association (PDA). Shane Joined Sagent China and moved to Chengdu in Nov 2010. In April 2013, SCP received the official FDA approval for supplying injectable drug products to the Unites States. In 2014, SCP received first FDA CBE 30 site transfer for liquid Injectables in China. In 2015, SCP received the first FDA CBE30 site transfer for Lyophilized Injectables.