赵明,华东理工大学机械工程及自动化学士, 在食品、制药生产领域具有十多年的经验。2007年9月至今,受聘于英国迈康有限公司,任中国区总经理,推广迈康先进的IBC精益生产工艺理念及技术设备, 通过理念的提升协助客户实现精益生产管理, 帮助客户节省成本、提高效率, 缩短投资回报周期。
Zhao Ming, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering and Automation of East China University Of Science and Technology, with more than a decade of experience in food and pharmaceutical production field; he joined British Matcon Co., Ltd in September, 2007 and has been serving as China General Manager until now; he is responsible for spreading Matcon’s advanced IBC lean production process philosophy and technical equipment and helping clients exercise lean production management, save costs, improve efficiency and shorten investment recovery period by means of philosophy improvement.
Matcon—— from IBC to turkey solutions