

毕业于华东理工大学化学工程专业,曾任职于UNILEVER,GEA公司, 担任项目经理,业务发展经理.长期从事于制药行业的工艺设计,安装与确认的管理工作.在2003 年创办净泽洁净设备有限公司,主要为外资药厂和本土领先药企提供cGMP 工艺安装和确认服务.曾为北京大学,SFDA GMP培训中心提供过相关的培训课程.

William Wang,Winatech Process Engineering(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd,General Manager

Graduated from Chemical Engineering Major of East China University of Science and Technology, William worked as project manager, business development manager for Unilever and GEA. He has more than 10 years management experience of the process installation and qualification in pharm. industry. In 2003, he set up Winatech Process Engineering ( Shanghai) Co,, Ltd., which provides cGMP installation and qualification service for foreign pharmaceuticals such as Abbott ,Roche, MSD, Novartis, Baxter ,Novozyme and leading local pharms such as Tasly, Yilin, Haisun. He has provided related training course for Pekin University and SFDA GMP training center.

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