Miele Professional美诺清洗消毒资深专家Kathleen Martikke

文章来源:弗戈工业在线 发布时间:2015-05-13


Kathleen Martikke,Miele Professional,The senior expert of cleaning and disinfection

德国环境清洁领域权威专家,10年致力于洁净环境清洁领域的研究,参与欧洲诸多机构洁净清洗中心的流程设计与法规制定。Miele Professional为欧盟微生物污染防治体系EN 14065标准的制定成员,熟悉各类洁净室织物安全及再处理方式,特别是对制药领域的织物清洗消毒方面有深入的研究。


符合cGMP规范的清洗消毒方案,洗涤设备、洗涤流程、维修和验证保证洁净服洗涤使用的安全性,同时能保证消毒结果的真实性和一致性,能够在最大程度上杜绝设备、操作和管理因素带来的污染风险。”——Kathleen Martikke

Be it process security in reliable cleanliness in cleanroom laundries, Kathleen Martikke trains and discuss the very different challenges require safe reprocessing results combined with economical operation. Amongst reprocessing as one part of particle and infection control she supports the topic cleanroom environment cleaning as another important part of particle and infection control as a systematic.

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