侯平 制药工程行业专家






Hou Ping, pharmaceutical engineering industry expert

Obtained bachelor's degree in mechanical equipment and technology from Xi'an University of Technology and master's degree in pharmaceutical engineering from Tianjin University

She has more than 30 years of work experience in pharmaceutical engineering and pharmaceutical equipment industry. She has led team to complete several projects for developing and implementing design and construction plans concerning large pharmaceutical workshops and buildings which satisfy industrial mainstream standard.

She has extensive experience in the pharmaceutical industry and worked in many famous enterprises, took charge of laboratory and workshop design and construction projects. She served as Vice-president and Chief Engineer at Tianjin CanSino Biotechnology Inc., Project Director at JEC Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd, Senior Manager at Astrazeneca (Asia) Co., Ltd., Project Manager at Novartis (China) Co., Ltd., Project Manager at Abbott Laboratories (Shanghai) Co,. Ltd., Project Manager at Xi'an-Janssen etc

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