王彦忠先生2002年7月加入中美史克,现为中美史克质量部验证经理;2007年9月到葛 兰素史克新加坡工厂学习验证系统 ;2008年11月在GSK英国工厂学习卓越运作(包括 风险管理)。完成相关计算机系统的验证有:CDS(实验室色谱控制系统),LIMS(实验 室信息管理系统),BPCS,SPC(车间称重系统)。
Wang Yanzhong, Tianjin Smith Kline & French Laboratorles LtdGraduated from:China Pharmaceutical University, Quality Validation Manager
Mr. Wang Yanzhong joined Tianjin Smith Kline & French Laboratories Ltd in July, 2002; currently Validation Manager of the Quality Department, Tianjin Smith Kline & French Laboratories Ltd; studied validation system in GSK factory in Singapore in September, 2007; studies excellence operation (including risk management) in GSK factory in Britain in November, 2008; completed validation of the following computer systems: laboratory chromatographic control system (CDS), laboratory information management system (LIMS), BPCS,sorkshop weighing system (SPC)