
文章来源:弗戈工业在线 发布时间:2015-05-27

40 多年来,作为全球领先的供应商,viastore始终致力于为工业、商业和服务业提供完备的内部物流设备–拣选系统、高架仓库、自动化小型部件仓库、配送和物流中心。

我们提供咨询、规划并建造全新系统。我们翻新其他厂商建造的旧有仓库,使其顺应最现代化的技术和工艺。名为viaspeed和viapal的货架操作设备使得仓库物流更加快捷灵活。24 小时专家热线全年无休,为客户提供周到的服务和快速的备件配送。

我们通过仓储管理软件viadat实现的通用软件架构是建立高效透明的内部物流的重要因素–不仅适用于自动化仓库,也适用于常规仓库,涵盖从物流系统直至过程控制的全部流程。并且我们也可以在 SAP LES 或 SAP EWM上直接执行客户的物流程序。

With more than 40 years, as the global leading supplier, Viastore is always dedicated to providing industrial, commercial and service industries with complete internal logistics equipments– sorting system, high rack warehouse, automatic small component warehouse, distribution and logistics center.

We offer consulting and planning, build new systems. We renovate old warehouses built by other manufacturers to make them adapt to the most modern technologies and processes. Viaspeed and viapal high rack operating equipments enable more efficient and flexible warehouse logistics. 24h expert hotline is available throughout the year and is designed to provide customers with thoughtful services and quick distribution of parts.

Universal software architecture realized by us through warehouse management software viadat is the important factor for building efficient and transparent internal logistics – suitable for not only automated warehouse but also conventional warehouse, covering the whole process from logistics system to process control. We may also directly execute customer’s logistics procedure on SAP LES or SAP EWM.

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