
文章来源:弗戈工业在线 发布时间:2015-05-25

颇尔公司(Pall Corporation)(纽约证券交易所代码:PLL)是全球过滤、分离和纯化领域的领导者,为遍布生命科学和工业领域的众多客户提供满足关键流体控制所需的解决方案。颇尔致力于同客户并肩努力,提升关于健康、安全和环境保护的尖端技术。颇尔的产品始终引领工艺及产品创新,并能减少排放及废弃物。颇尔为标准普尔500入选公司,业务网络遍布全球。欲知更多详情,请关注Twitter @PallCorporation或登录:www.pall.com。

Pall Corporation

Pall Corporation (NYSE:PLL) is a filtration, separation and purification leader providing solutions to meet the critical fluid management needs of customers across the broad spectrum of life sciences and industry. Pall works with customers to advance health, safety and environmentally responsible technologies. The Company’s engineered products enable process and product innovation and minimize emissions and waste. Pall Corporation is an S&P 500 company serving customers worldwide. Follow us on Twitter @PallCorporation or visit www.pall.com.

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