- 分别于1984年和1987年在上海华东化工学院(现名为华东理工大学 URL http://www.ecust.edu.cn)获得了生化工程专业的学士和硕士学位。
- 于1995年荣获赫尔辛基工业大学( URL http://www.hut.fi)颁发的理工博士头衔。
- 2013年9月至今,任常州印刷电子产业研究院院长
- 2012年10和11月,在上海华东理工大学主持了国际印刷电子研讨会和中芬技术交流论坛
- 2012 年6月 – 至今,任全国印刷电子产业技术创新联盟副秘书长,专家组主任
- 2011年7月 – 至今,任昆山恩福赛印刷电子有限公司董事长和总经理,承担过科技部的国际合作项目等,建立了世界上第一条薄膜印刷纸电池的生产线。
- 2012年 1 月 – 至今,任宁波侨商会理事
- 2010 年2月 – 至今,任宁波博能印刷电子科技有限公司董事长和总经理
- 2002年 – 至今, 任Enfucell公司首席技术官,负责公司的软电池TM的开发,应用及批量生产。
- 2007 年 - 至今,任华东理工大学,北京印刷学院和温州大学荣誉或兼职教授
- 2009年 – 至今,温州市科学技术局特聘为温州市海外科技顾问
- 2004年, 赫尔辛基工业大学自动化研究室高级研究员参与了欧洲空间站(http://www.esa.int)发起的人类移居太空的可行性研究。课题是借助生物燃料电池,把载人空间站的生物废物(人类的排泄物,食物余渣等)转化成可用电源。
- 1993年 – 2002年, 赫尔辛基工业大学自动化研究室高级研究员致力于以酶和微生物为催化剂的生物燃料电池的开发,曾和芬兰技术研究中心(VTT)及其它公司合作研发国家科技项目“小型化电源开发”。
- 1994年 – 2003年, 赫尔辛基工业大学讲师给硕士学生讲授 “生物过程监控”和 “生物能源自动化过程”。
- 1989年 – 1993年, 赫尔辛基工业大学自动化研究室研究员参与了北欧几所大学和研究所的共同项目 – 动物细胞培养过程建模和生物过程功能状态的监控。
Zhang Xiachang,The dean of the of Changzhou Printed Electronics Industries Institute
- Got Bachelor's degree of Shanghai East China University of Science( http://www.ecust.edu.cn)and Technology in 1984 and Master’s degree in 1987
- Got Doctor of science and technology of Helsinki University of Technology in 1995.
- From September 2013 to now, be the dean of the of Changzhou Printed Electronics Industries Institute
- In the September and November of 2012, hold the China-Finland Technology Communication forum and International Symposium on Printed Electronics in East China University of Science and Technology.
- From June 2012 to now, be the Deputy Secretary General of the National Association for technical innovation in printed electronics industry and the director of the expert group.
- From July 2011 to now, be the chairman and the manger of Kunshan Tu Fu Sai Printed Electronics Co., Ltd; undertake the international cooperative project of Ministry of Science and establish the world’s first production line of the film printing paper cell.
- From January to now, be the director of Ningbo overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce
- From February to now, be the chairman and the general manager of Ningbo Boneng printing electronic technology Co. Ltd.
- From 2002 to now, be the Chief technology officer of Enfucell Company and responsible for the development, application and mass production of SoftBatteryTM.
- From 2007 to now, be the honorary or adjunct professor of East China University of Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication and Wenzhou University.
- From 2009 to now, to be the specially invited Wenzhou overseas science and technology consultant of Wenzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau.
- In 2004, be the senior research fellow of the Department of automation, Helsinki University of
Technology and take part in the feasibility study of human migration into space launched by
- From 1993 to now, be the senior research fellow of the Department of automation, Helsinki
University of Technology and committed to the development of bio fuel cells using enzymes and
microorganisms as catalysts and cooperate with VTT and other companies to research and
develop the national science and technology projects : “ Development of miniaturized power
- From 1994 to 2003, be the lecturer of Helsinki University of Technology and teach master students “Biological process monitoring” and “ Bio energy automation process”.
- From 1989 to 1993, be the researcher of the Department of automation, Helsinki University of Technology and take part in the project-animal cell culture process modeling and monitoring of
the functional status of biological processes lunched by several university of Northern Europe.