李树德 武汉喜康药业厂长


曾任罗曼台湾副总经理,瑞华新药副总经理。李树德先生现在也义务担任 ISPE(国际制药工程协会)志愿者工作,参与技术委员会、培训委员会的工作。


李树德先生曾经多次负责药物生产工厂建设项目的管理,工作内容涉及产品技术转移、工艺系统安装、公用工程设计、供货商审核评价, GEP 优良工程实践 (Good Engineering Practice)、设施调试、工艺验证以及符合cGMP规范的质量体系建立等。积累了在制药工业的专业知识,李先生在建立新的制药工厂的项目执行上,获得了杰出的成就。




“梅里亚公司(Merial) 中国区 生产项目总监。梅里亚是美国默克制药公司和法国赛诺菲-安万特集团的合资公司。公司业务是疫苗与药品的生产与营销。

“神隆公司(ScinoPharm)技术处长,负责生产技术、质量保证、实验室、物料/采购、ERP 企业资源规划管理系统;参与建成了价值2亿美元的全新原料药(API)生产厂,并获得了美国FDA的GMP 认证,建立了全新的ERP企业资源规划管理系统(SAP)。

“葛兰素史克公司(GSK)台湾厂的厂长,负责推动了新产品的开发与上市,并领导了生产厂的扩建项目,以提高产能。工厂获得了由TGA澳大利亚国家药物总局的GMP 认证。


“勃林格殷格翰公司(Boehringer Ingelheim)台湾厂的厂长,领导建立全新的GMP 生产厂,并领导了工厂的扩建项目。


Michael Lee is currently the Plant Director of JHL Biotech.

Michael Lee has rich experience in biopharmaceutical / pharmaceutical plant operations and in establishing biopharmaceutical / pharmaceutical plants in Taiwan and in China.

Michael has more than 30 years of experience in the area of biopharmaceutical / pharmaceutical manufacturing operations & new facility projects. Michael is a member of ISPE China’s technical committee & training committee. Before JHL biotech, Michael was the VP of project and manufacturing at Shanghai Biomabs, a leading biotech company in China. He also held senior technical positions at GSK, Roche, Merial and Boehringer Ingelheim.

He was involved in establishing Shanghai Roche facilities in China. His experience in leading the project of establishing new biopharmaceutical facilities covers vaccines and monoclonal antibodies in China for sites at various locations such as Shanghai, Nanjing, Nanchang, Beijing & Chengdu.

Michael has also been involved in the establishment of ERP system, supply chain system & cold chain system for these pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical operations. The manufacturing operations under his leadership passed the cGMP inspections made by US FDA, China CFDA, Australia TGA and Taiwan TFDA.

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