■ 展会快讯Show Daily
针对行业内大型展会如ACHEMA、MICONEX、CHINA-PHARM、CPHI、Sinopack、Chinaplas、Propak、CBB 等,推出展会快讯(Show Daily),以第三方视角宣传客户的技术信息和优质产品,多角度、全方位、立体化实时报道展会现场。凭借最快的反馈速度,为企业提供整个展会从前到后的完整定制化服务,并于展会现场发放千余份。
Regarding some important exhibitions such as ACHEMA, MICONEX, CHINA-PHARM,CPHI, Sinopack, Chinaplas, Propak, CBB etc, we will publish Show Daily to report exhibition information in all aspects. The Exhibition Special Issue and Show Daily will be distributed for free in exhibitions field. And the exhibition topics amplify the industry media exposure.
■ 工业展会日历Wall Planner
刊登全年行业展会信息及vogel 市场活动,以杂志夹插的方式派送给所有读者。
Vogel Media publishes Wall Planner which shows exhibition information and Vogel marketing activities. It's distributed to all readers of the magazine.
■ 企业内刊Internal Publications
As the leading media of industry, professional editors will customize internal publications with rich experience in publication.
■ 再版重印Reprint Service
Reprint is to re-publish some articles that were used on the magazines. We can provide binding for the reprinted article, so making it look like a brochure. The information and logo of your company will appear on the cover page. Through the brochure the durability of the article is extended. Compared with the catalogue of the supplier it is more convincing for the reader. The brochure could be printed several times and used for marketing and sales presentations or exhibition promotional materials.
■ 客户案例Case Study
With independent perspective of third party , we visit enterprises of different areas to learn about use of your products in use , deeply report your advantages and value in helping users solve practical production problems and providing excellent solutions and services ect,and listen to users’ opinions and suggestions concerning equipments ,technologies ,services and brands etc so as to help you realize value-added benefits ,improve brand recognition and expend industrial influence.
■ 图书出版Book Publishing
We'll sum up the company's successful history or write a biography for the company from media's perspective. All these will show the company’s cultural value and set up the company's industry height so that the company’s influence will be enhanced.
■ 设计制作服务Design Service
In order to meet customers’ multiple needs, Vogel Industry Media serves customers worldwide with a portfolio of products, including design and related services for magazine advertisement, book,brochure, internal publication and enterprise image.
■ 弗戈游学Study Tour
Through study tour, entrepreneur can expand overseas market, gain successful experience and industry solutions. The study tour activity includes exhibition visiting,plant visiting, field trip, expert seminar.
■ 弗戈学堂Vogel Academy
With rich industry experience, we provide customized training session. We focus on the training of advanced technology, project management, market planning, brand promotion and new media. The training session is designed to promote technology applying, enterprise project management ability, brand promotion and media planning ability.
■ 弗戈俱乐部Vogel Club
Through various O2O activities, the member of Vogel Club can enlarge the network and get the cutting-edge information. It can help you find more business opportunities.
■ 视频服务Video Service
《工业传奇》是中国首部工业题材大型系列纪录片,将以全新的策划、独特的视角讲述世界工业领域中传奇企业的前世今生、沧桑巨变和传奇故事,展现传奇企业的成长与发展、变革与创新、品质与精神,让中国13 亿电视观众对世界工业领域的传奇企业有全面的理解与认知,也为中国工业未来的发展提供借鉴与启迪。
With industrial accumulation and industrial knowledge, Vogel is the most suitable for you in the field of brand video interpretation and production.
Company propaganda film; Product publicity film; Micro film; Documentary Film——Legends of Industry.
Vogel's series of Documentary Film, the first documentary TV film for China industry, will tell the whole story of legendary enterprises, including past, present , great changes and legendary story, showing their growths and developments, changes and innovations, qualities and spirits. In addition, the documentary film will help 1.3 billion Chinese people have a comprehensive understanding and cognition of legendary enterprises in the world industrial field,and provide references and enlightenments for the future development of Chinese industry.
■ 展会业务Exhibition Service
With international resources and cooperation with exhibition agency, we provide you with customized cross-media promotions. It will make you outstanding on the exhibition.
■ 弗戈咨询Vogel Consulting
弗戈咨询秉承百年德国弗戈媒体集团的专业技术优势和机械工业信息研究院的装备行业研究优势,现拥有国内外行业专家2000 多人;为政府和企业量身定制产业战略规划和研究,价格战略报告等系列深度服务。
Vogel Consulting inherits professional technical advantages of century-old German Vogel Media Group and research advantages of China Machinery Industry Information & Publication in the equipment industry; currently, it has more than 2,000 domestic and foreign industry experts; it customizes series in-depth services including industrial strategic planning and researches, price strategy report etc for the government and enterprises.
■ 在线数据Online Data
利用弗戈工业媒体在线网媒的200 多万大数据信息为客户提供在线调查、在线征集、在线客服等线上服务。
Vogel media online has more than 2,000,000 latest information to provide online surveys, online collection, online customer service and other online services.
■ 精准数据服务Precise Data Service
弗戈工业媒体定制化服务可覆盖中国制造业企业50 万中、高决策层读者。直邮服务DM ;电子邮件直邮服务EDM ;杂志夹插直邮服务IDMS ;展会样本发行服务CDS ;会议听众邀请AIS ;展会观众邀请SVIS ;市场调查服务TEL-MS ;短信服务SAS。
Vogel precise data service covers 500000 China manufacturing industry professionals.
DM (Direct Mailing); EDM (Email Direct Mailing); IDMS (Insert Direct Mailing); CDS (Catalogue Distributing on Exhibition); AIS (Audience Inviting Service); SVIS (Show Visitor Inviting Service).
■ 海外品牌推广Overseas Brand Promotion
We can introduce domestic brands to international market through our various media platform for we have Vogel international resources and international partners.