
作者:本网编辑 文章来源:弗戈工业在线 发布时间:2012-05-21

天津天士力之骄药业有限公司董事长兼总经理,天士力集团FDA-CMC项目总监。浙江大学药物分析专业博士研究生。自1995年加入天士力集团,作为集团科研骨干和学科带头人,先后担任天士力集团研究院中药所所长、研究院副院长,负责新药研发、中药现代化和国际化研究、中药质量体系技术研究、中药专利研究等;2005年至今担任天津天士力之骄药业有限公司董事长兼总经理,负责中药注射剂产品的科研战略管理、产品产业化和生产管理等工作;2010年10月兼任天士力国际产业化项目(即FDA-CMC项目)项目总监,负责复方丹参滴丸申报FDA、复方中药国际化标准的创立、负责完成建立符合FDA cGMP标准的车间的建设和生产。


He is appointed as the Chairman & General Manager of Tianjin Tasly Pride Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., as well as the Project Director of the FDA-CMC Project of Tianjin Tasly Group Co., Ltd. with a Doctor Degree in Zhejiang University Pharmaceutical Analysis. He used to be the Director of Tianjin Tasly Group Co., Ltd. Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute and the Director of Tianjin Tasly Group Co., Ltd. Institute since 1995 employed by Tianjin Tasly Group Co., Ltd., in charge of new drug development, TCM modernization & globalization research, TCM quality system technical research, TCM patent research etc. He has been the Chairman & General Manager of Tianjin Tasly Pride Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ever since 2005, directing TCM injection R&D strategy management, product industrialization and product management and so on. He took the position of the Project Director of Tasly International Industrialization Project (also known as FDA-CMC Project) in October 2010 to supervise the Dantonic® international industrialization and specification establishment.

He has been devoted in medicine field for 23 years, creatively accomplish TCM quality system technical research, TCM industrialization key technology study and solve TCM modernization & globalization decisive technical problems. Meanwhile he hosts numerous innovative projects and several National Key Technologies R&D Programs as well as Tianjin R&D Projects, winning ten-odd Provincial/Ministerial and above Science & Technology Awards.

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