Anal. Chem.;纸基生物传感器

作者:本网编辑 文章来源:流程工业 发布时间:2010-08-16



加拿大麦克玛斯特大学的John Brennan及其研究小组于7月1日在《分析化学》上发表了一篇题为“利用压电喷墨印刷技术开发溶胶-凝胶性的生物油墨用于检测神经毒素的生物活性纸传感器”的论文,其中描述了使用Fujifilm Dimatix Materials打印机将毒素检测传感器印刷到纸面上的方法。该论文还指出,要将生化试剂黏附到纸基材料上,喷墨沉积是一个简单、轻便、成本低的方法。该研究小组使得生物活性纸概念向商品化迈出了非常重要的一步。


“该研究首次提出了利用压电喷墨打印技术开发溶胶-凝胶型纸基生物传感器。”麦克玛斯特大学化学系教授、Sentinel的首席研究员John Brennan博士说,“我们的研究表明,喷墨打印提供了一个新的平台,用于开发生物活性纸以检测危害动物和人的各种生物毒素。”




Anal. Chem., 2009, 81 (13), pp 5474–5483 DOI: 10.1021/ac900660p

Development of a Bioactive Paper Sensor for Detection of Neurotoxins Using Piezoelectric Inkjet Printing of Sol-Gel-Derived Bioinks

S. M. Zakir Hossain, Roger E. Luckham, Anne Marie Smith, Julie M. Lebert, Lauren M. Davies?, Robert H. Pelton?, Carlos D. M. Filipe? and John D. Brennan*

Department of Chemistry, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4M1, Canada, and Department of Chemical Engineering, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4L7

There is an increasing interest in new strategies to rapidly detect analytes of clinical and environmental interest without the need for sophisticated instrumentation. As an example, the detection of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors such as neurotoxins and organophosphates has implications for neuroscience, drug assessment, pharmaceutical development, and environmental monitoring. Functionalization of surfaces with multiple reagents, including enzymes and chromogenic reagents, is a critical component for the effective development of “dipstick” or lateral flow biosensors. Herein, we describe a novel paper-based solid-phase biosensor that utilizes piezoelectric inkjet printing of biocompatible, enzyme-doped, sol?gel-based inks to create colorimetric sensor strips. For this purpose, polyvinylamine (PVAm, which captures anionic agents) was first printed and then AChE was overprinted by sandwiching the enzyme within two layers of biocompatible sol?gel-derived silica on paper. AChE inhibitors, including paraoxon and aflatoxin B1, were detected successfully using this sensor by measuring the residual activity of AChE on paper, using Ellman’s colorimetric assay, with capture of the 5-thio-2-nitrobenzoate (TNB?) product on the PVAm layer. The assay provided good detection limits (paraoxon, 100 nM; aflatoxin B1,30 nM) and rapid response times (<5 min). Detection could be achieved either by eye or using a digital camera and image analysis software, avoiding the need for expensive and sophisticated instrumentation. We demonstrate that the bioactive paper strip can be used either as a dipstick or a lateral flow-based biosensor. The use of sol?gel-based entrapment produced a sensor that retained enzyme activity and gave reproducible results after storage at 4 °C for at least 60 days, making the system suitable for storage and use in the field.



