The following will provide you with an introduction on how VAYU Sense revolutionizes this critical process using Artificial Intelligence (AI). To start out, a brief overview of the industry problems will be given. Furthermore, it will be explained in what way the VAYU Sense Solution solves them. Then, the positive business benefits as well as the beneficial production impact of the solution will be outlined. Finally, the way the solution works, will be explained.
在这篇英语白皮书中,我们将为您介绍VAYU Sense是如何利用人工智能(AI)对这关键过程进行革新。首先,我们将针对该行业问题进行简要概述;然后着重解释VAYU Sense的解决方案是如何解决这些问题的。该白皮书还分析了企业能通过该技术得到哪些积极的商业利益以及该技术对生产过程有利的影响。最后,我们还将介绍该解决方案的运作方式。
Bullet list
· Description of conventional solutions currently available to stabilize fermentation
· 描述目前可用于稳定发酵过程的常规解决方案
· How AI can stabilize and improve the overall production process.
· 人工智能如何稳定和改善整个生产过程
· How an AI-based production approach works and what its advantages are
· 基于人工智能的生产方法的工作原理以及其优势
· Results that can be achieved with an AI-approach – especially in terms of yield increase, process robustness and stability
· 采用人工智能的生产方法在增产、工艺稳健性与稳定性等方面可取得的效果
· The impact of AI on the sustainability of your production
· 人工智能对生产过程可持续性的影响

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